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September 27, 2011
Regular Meeting
September 27, 2011

The Committee meeting was called to order at 6:45PM.  Present were:  Phil Mighdoll, Tom Daly, David Krashes, and Henry Beth. Larry DeBlois was absent.  

Also in attendance were Alex Fiandaca and Sheila Dubman from the Historical Commission.

The Committee discussed Dave’s MH draft proposal (Draft attached) and noted there might be some physical and legal restrictions regarding some of his ideas regarding public use.  Dave emphasized any recommendation made by the committee would likely need the full support of East Princeton residents in order to be accepted at Town Meeting.  Phil noted some reluctance to hand the process over to East Princeton residents as the process would continue to drag on but agreed their support is critical.  Phil said he would talk to Dick Stuart to clarify the situation regarding the well location.
The discussion then turned to what must be done to bring the building into a condition that would allow public use.  Dave indicated he would contact Don Peterson (Calamint Hill Builders) and Phil indicated he would contact some of the prior committee members to see if they could do estimates as well.  It was agreed estimates needed to be done by licensed professionals familiar with code requirements and construction costs in order to be credible.  
Alex reminded the committee there had been a prior indication from the Selectmen they would be open to reviewing and possibly funding a “stabilization” project.  The committee agreed to have Phil approach the selectmen in this regard.
Sheila volunteered to look into state and federal grants that might provide some funding for restoration since MH is in historic district.
Tom will look into what might be the most saleable town owned properties to generate funds for the project.

The committee reviewed and accepted minutes from the prior meeting (4-0).

Henry moved to adjourn, Tom seconded, all in favor (4-0).

Respectfully submitted,

Tom Daly, Secretary

Attch:  1. Dave’s draft proposal
          2. Phil’s summary of “where we are”